Thursday 30 March 2017

Our Easter Journey

Over the past weeks we have been considering the amazing miracles of Jesus, from the feeding of the 5,000 ( and that was only men, so the real figure was undoubtedly higher!), to Jesus’ ability to walk on water and Peter’s ability to try but sink! 

In addition we have considered what actually was going on at the transfiguration and the arguments between the disciples about who is the greatest. During this journey we have seen Jesus bring sight to the blind and heal many people, as well as continue to shock and challenge the religious establishment. Finally this week we see Jesus turn towards Jerusalem, in full knowledge of what lies before him.  

 The journey has seen many highs and lows, a full range of emotions, elation, fear, sadness, joy, celebration, doubt and a mix of awe and wonder thrown in for good measure. 

The disciples have witnessed many things, their thinking has been challenged and their loyalty tested. They have observed their understanding of the world turned upside down and as they stand beside Jesus and look towards Jerusalem, their minds must have been filled one question – what happens now?

Next week we will continue on our journey, walking alongside the disciples as we seek to grapple with the enormity of the decision to enter Jerusalem. A decision which is a defining moment in the Easter story. Jesus could have chosen a different direction, but he didn’t and it was a decision that changed the world for ever.

As we stand beside the disciples next week, we will take time to think about the big question that seems to hang over the Easter story.

Jesus made the decision to enter Jerusalem in full knowledge of what would happen, but WHY? What was it that motivated him? What was it that drove him on?

It’s a big question and its one we will seek to consider together.

Easter garden in FS2

"We need a stone Mr Marshall, a very big one!" said a voice over my shoulder.

I was intrigued by the request until the three beaming foundation stage children explained why.

"Its all about our Easter garden, we need a stone to put in front of the tomb and we know you like stones! " they enthused.

So down came my stone collection of the shelf and they carefully chose the right one and set off to put it in place.

Half an hour later, whilst on playground duty, I was urged to come and see the finished project and there it was, the stone in front of the tomb, set in a wonderful Easter garden!

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Ice balloons

Mrs Brewin's class in KS1  had great fun last week investigating the effect of salt on ice balloons as part of their topic on the Antarctic. Lots of excited chatter, cold hands and awe and wonder all round! 

Wednesday 15 March 2017

KS2 hall display

The art work in the KS2 hall continues to develop and to provide the focus for much discussion.

Our Journey through Lent

Another creative and visual display in our main corridor focuses our mind on the journey that God calls us to undertake, not just at Lent but everyday.

One of our favourite verses reminds us of the fact that God is with us every step of the way.

 Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

So who is the greatest?

It's a question that at times we have all probably wanted to ask or at least wanted to be the answer to. Status, prominence and recognition are such strong driving forces and are key aspects of the material world in which we live.

So it was quite natural for the disciples to ask the question or at least to debate the point. Not quite such a material world then, but status, prominence and recognition were still important - observing the Pharisees provided enough evidence of that it would seem.

So they had an argument and Jesus responds.

 And He said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in My name welcomes Me, and whoever welcomes Me welcomes the One who sent Me. For whoever is the least among all of you, he is the greatest.”

Who ever is the least among you .......

A modern world turned upside down on its head and a response that takes some thinking about.

I have displayed some of Mother Teresa's quotes around school this week to help us unpick the challenge that Jesus gave.

I always find her inspiring and challenging at the same time.

KS1 fun in the playground

I was reminded yesterday about how much fun it is to be able to play outside! Just observing the children engaging, debating, sharing and having a great time together is always something that brings a smile to the face, even when the sun isn't shinning!

One of the displays in KS1 captures this brilliantly, with lots of great language and portraits.

Snow domes and polar bears

It was great last half term to listen to the wonderful creative stories written in KS1 about life in a snowdome and this has flowed into their art work as well leading to some excellent displays around KS1.

Fireflies and Shackleton

Great to see the Fireflies enjoying learning about the expeditions of Shackleton and using this as an inspiration for their art and design work. Lots of charcoal on the page and on faces too - but lots of smiles!

Monday 13 March 2017

FS2 on a bear hunt

On Friday 10th March there was much excitement in FS2 as we set off through the swishy swashy grass, swirling whirling snow storm, and thick oozy mud in search of a bear. We were not disappointed as we met the bear after we had been through the deep dark forest.